Charlotte is One!!!

IMG_7855Charlotte is a year old!!!  She made her debut of sleeping through the night in late March, but this last week has been the first full week that she has slept through the night.  Hallelujah!  She loves eating.  And now that she is one, she is starting to show favor towards some food.  Like this morning when she had egg and bread on her tray, she made a lot of noise until I finished cutting up some peach to add to her tray.  Thankfully, her fine motor skills aren’t perfect yet, so whatever is on the tray near what she wants also gets into her hands and most of it is in her mouth.  I do sweep the floor around her seat after each time she eats.   IMG_7866Charlotte says Ma and Da.  She is playing with other sounds, but nothing is consistent.  Above she is making sounds while making raspberries.

It looks like her blue eyes are here to stay.  She also has 6 teeth.  IMG_7863Charlotte doesn’t want to be left out.  If her sisters close their bedroom doors, or I close the bathroom door, she will scoot to it and bang on the door.  Charlotte doesn’t have the typical crawl, but her scoot is quiet fast.  The nurse practitioner we saw yesterday said 7% of babies don’t crawl, 7% find a way to move that isn’t crawling, and the rest crawl.  She also assured me that she is okay scooting about.  Charlotte can crawl if I am behind her making sure her legs move in the typical way, but she is much faster scooting with one leg tucked below her. IMG_7869Can you see how delighted she is to learn to stand on her own?  She isn’t walking yet, but she is thrilled to stand several times a day.  Here she is standing on a blanket my Nanny made for Eliana.

I am so thankful that Charlotte is a content baby.  So much of her first year was hard, but over the last few months she has grown to be a happy content baby who loves exploring.  My back is thankful for the relief.  The added sleep sure does help too!

We love Charlotte and are glad God put her in our family!

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